New After Effects CS4 With 'Imagineer Mocha'
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
This major upgrade to After Effects lets you more easily search and navigate around your project, import 3-D layers from Photoshop, fine tune your composites with separate X-, Y-, and Z-position keyframes, create a cel animation look from live footage, and export projects to open and edit inside Flash. A new add-on program, now shipping with After Effects, helps you track hard-to-manage shots.
Imagineer Systems’ Mocha for After Effects is a stand-alone application that now ships with After Effects CS4. This powerful 2.5-D planar motion tracker works better than point-based trackers on problem footage—for example footage with objects moving out of frame or poor lighting conditions that show little detail, or excessive noise.
Mocha for After Effects is a stand-alone 2D tracking tool based on Imagineer Systems unique 2.5D Planar Tracking technology. Mocha for After Effects makes it possible to track problematic shots that traditionally challenge point based trackers, with problems such as footage with objects moving out of frame, lack of detail, motion blur and heavy grain. This helps the artist to generate solid tracks, giving position, scale, rotation, shear and perspective matched tracks and exporting the data to After Effects in less time.
Mocha for After Effects is compatible with prior versions of Adobe After Effects and also is available as a stand-alone application directly from Imagineer Systems. Additionally, mocha for After Effects users are eligible to upgrade to a full mocha toolset, adding significant VFX design functionality.
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