NIDO Tin Animation - 3ds Max, After Effects, Photoshop

Monday, December 1, 2008

Final Animation

Guys, here I would like to explain you, how I have done an animation for NIDO, with help of 3ds Max, After Effects, Photoshop. Before the animation there was an ariel shot of NIDO research and development center. Then the last frame will roll on the NIDO tin and it forms with some line glow Effects. Then a NIDO shield will pop-up from the tin. The total animation was 7 seconds.

I did the model in 3ds Max. Then Created a Plane and apply the research center shot as texture on it. Then add a rolling effect on the plane using 'Bend Modifier' and animated it along with NIDO tin. Created many lines and animated along paths. Here I will show the animation from 3ds max.

Animation from 3ds max

Here I will show you the texture applied on the NIDO tin.

Tin Texture

Max Interface

Rendered all elements separate TGA layers and composited in Adobe After Effects.

After Effects Interface

Here I will show you the Image which I have used for background of animation.

NIDo shield Image which I have used for pop-up animation.

Hope you have got an idea about this animation. Enjoy...!


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